Monday, May 17, 2010

Stay tuned.

Things have been a bit hectic here, which has resulted in me having lots of things to mentally complain about, but no energy or semblance of coherence for writing.

I will state, however, that the season finale of Gossip Girl was so horrible and ridiculous on so many levels that a new term for should be created.  I mean, the show jumped the shark about three times in five minutes, which I'm sure is a new record.

Feel free to post your suggestions in the comments.  I'm going to spend some time mulling this one over in the shower tomorrow.  I only have six unique words on and I'm shooting for ten!


Cia Teatro dos Orelhas said...

Parabéns pelo conteúdo do seu blog!
É interessante e bastante diversificado...
Guardei o mapa para não perder o caminho...
Passarei por aqui mais vezes...
Abraços do Brasil.

Kristen said...

Well, thanks for the comment, but unfortch, I have no idea what it says?

Going to babelfish now...

Kristen said...

Umm...adorable! Thanks for your sweet comment, which, for my friends who don't read Portuguese, reads:

Congratulations for the content of your blog!
It is interesting and quite diverse ...
I saved the map to not lose the way ...
Pass by here more often ...
Hugs from Brazil.